wifi map

wifi map Practical Tools
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.0
  • 6.2MB

wifi map -

Wanna trip to Korea?Download a free wifi finder app without internet access.

“wifi map” is a essential app on-the-go tailored to visitors who travel Korea. It finds free wifi zones without accessing internet. You can easily find the nearest wifi zones from your current location in any korean hot cities like seoul, incheon, jeju, busan and so on. You can use internet all the time without incurring data roaming charges since“wifi map” keeps finding the locations for free wifi zone and its passwords.

Don’t wander around looking for wifi zone while traveling in Korea. you can use free wifi easily with “wifi map”.

- checking the location of the nearest wifi hotspot

- providing the locked wifi password

- viewing the map of wifi location

- finding wifi from the current location

- providing korean, chinese, english service

- push alarm for discovering new wifi

- wifi collected area

seoul or capital - myeongdong, jongro, dong-dae-moon, gang-nam, sin-sa, ap-goo-jung

major city - jeju, busan, dae-jeon, dae-goo, jeon-ju, gwang-ju, gang-won, choong-book, choong-nam, jeon-nam, gyeong-book, gyeong-nam etc.

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