WeatherAppWidget -
Weather forecast widget app. Weather summary on map, share on facebook.
Shows google map on open and display weather data on map. If user select any other location over map, it displays the weather data of that location.
Tap on data window, application shows the weather details of that selected location. In the details it shows
- Local time and timezone of selected location.
- Weather, temp and wind speed.
- Weather forecast of every 3 hours.
- Weather forecast of next 1 week.
- Share your weather data on Facebook with screenshot.
Application is an online application. Work is on progress for offline mode and application widget.
Application requires below permission before installation:
1 - Internet access, Access Network State : To get the weather forecast from weather server. And feasibility to connect with Wifi and Data network
2 - Write External Storage: Write Cache data in SD card storage (if required).
3 - Read GServices: Future permission for enhancement feature to receive GCM push messages.
4 - Bind App Widgets : Future permission to make a widget host to contain other widgets
5 - Access Coarse Location and Access Fine location: The receive user location and user selected location on map.
What's New in the Latest Version 1.1.2
Last updated on Feb 29, 2016 Facebook integration. Share your weather data over facebook with snapshot.Widget for home screen
Fixed widget problem in last build.