Weather Forecast Middle East -
Weather ,Maps ,Rain ,wind speed , humidity in every city, divided into countries
Weather Forecast in the Middle East
Application in Arabic language
Weather and wind speed and direction and humidity: every city, divided into countries
Weekly Weather Forecast
Regional weather, you can see the satellite image and get the details of days (including Google Street entrance).
-radar Infrared.
-Precipitation Forecasts.
Soil Moisture Outlook for the Mideast.
Countries covered: Bahrain, Egypt, the Republic of Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, the Syrian Arab Republic, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Saudi Arabia.
What's New in the Latest Version 2.1
Last updated on Aug 6, 2015 مضيفا خرائط المهنية:~ درجة الحرارة السطحية
~ الرياح السطحية
~ ضغط السطح