Ventus -
The Ventus -Bluetooth weather series.
The Ventus -
Bluetooth weather series offers you the added value with this free App, allowing
you to view weather data collected by the product on your BLE-enabled smart
device. With up to 30m-transmission range, you can freely move around your
house while checking out the latest updates.
- This application requires a hardware device. (Ventus Model no. W028)
- Supports up to 4 W028 at the same time.
- W028 functions include
- 48 hour temperature graphical overview
- 48 hour humidity graphical overview
- Max and min alarms
- Dew and Frost point
- Social Sharing
- Location service
- Customizable sensor name
Note that
BLE 4.0 applications require a smart device that supports BLE. Check the
details of your phone and make sure you run Android 4.3+ and have an Android device
supporting BLE.