UPark UMD -
Shop Google Play on the web. Purchase and enjoy instantly on your Android phone or tablet without the hassle of syncing.
Park for free at UMD! Find nearby lots, avoid tickets, and leave on time.
Avoid annoying parking tickets and fees using a simple, intuitive interface. Just click on the map and UPark will show you where you can park for free. If you're looking for a particular building, UPark will find the closest FREE lot.
Don't worry about getting a ticket for staying too long. When it's time to leave, UPark will remind you. Just let it know that you've parked and it'll set an alarm to let you know when your time's up.
What's New in the Latest Version 1.3
Last updated on Jan 21, 2016 Added remaining Testudo locationsUpdated for intersemester lot and summer restrictions for Spring->Summer->Fall 2014
Added link to DOTS Move-In/Out Permit in navigation drawer