Uae4all2 -
A fast and optimized Amiga Emulator
A fast and optimized Amiga Emulator
Features: AGA/OCS/ECS, 68020 and 68000 emulation, harddisk-support, WHDLoad-support, Chip/Slow/Fast-mem settings, savestates, vsync, most games run fullspeed.
Chui, john4p, TomB, notaz, Bernd Schmidt, Toni Wilen, Pickle, smoku, AnotherGuest, Anonymous engineer, finkel, Mustafa 'GnoStiC' Tufan, Lubomyr, pelya.
Oscar Orallo Pelaez & Stephane Dallongueville (the authors of the FAMEC m68k emulator)
Android port by Lubomyr, SDL port by pelya.
Warning: This version only for device with NEON support.
For device without neon support, as tegra2, will be published separate version later)
You will need Amiga kickstart ROM files to use this emulator, they are not included.
You may install Amiga Forever Essentials to get ROM files, they will be auto-detected:
If you install ROM files manually, please put them to android/data/atua.anddev.Uae4all2/files/kickstarts directory. Files must be named as kick13.rom kick20.rom kick31.rom
'1'- autofire [HOME]
'2'- Right mouse click [END]
'3'- joystick fire/left click [PAGEDOWN]
'4'- [PAGEUP]
additional buttons (can be added via SDL-settings)
'5' [SDLK_F13]
'2' + '4' - textUI vkeybd
SDL keycode action:
F15 - textUI vkeybd
F12 - emulator menu toggle
F11 - change input method
Source code -
What's New in the Latest Version
Last updated on Aug 14, 2016 new API fixes
New and powerful Amiga emulator Uae4arm released at GooglePlay. Please check if it compatible with your device.