TI-58C/59 Calculator Emulator -
Emulates a 1970s-vintage Texas Instruments TI-58/58C/59 calculator.
Emulates a 1970s-vintage Texas Instruments TI-58/58C/59 calculator. Keystroke programmable, lets you load/save programs, includes partial implementation of original Master Library module. Source on GitHub at https://github.com/ldo/ti5x_android includes tools for building your own program/module files. GPL.
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What's New in the Latest Version 15611.5
Last updated on Aug 10, 2015 15611.5: increase size of tappable button area to see if that reduces complaints about unresponsive buttons; more consistent layout size on larger vs smaller screens; notification status now appears while program is running in background, not just when it stops; CE in error state now clears error state without clearing display.15457.0: scale layout on phone-sized screens while centring on tablet-sized screens.