The Last Post

The Last Post Newsletter Social
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.1
  • 19.28MB

The Last Post -

Last Post: a call to commemorate the soldiers who diedin World War I

What is it?

Every day since 1928, at 8pm precisely, the world is brought to a stop at

the Menin Gate in Ypres, Belgium. The only sound you hear is the sound of

buglers playing The Last Post: a call to commemorate the soldiers who died

in World War I. This app was created to bring the world together in

remembrance through The Last Post ceremony. Eventually, at the very moment

when the bugle calls for the 30,000th time, smartphones worldwide will be

activated and people will be able to hear the ceremony live, together

thanks to this app.

How does it work?

- Listen to the buglers of Ypres play The Last Post every evening in

commemoration of those who fought in WWI

- Follow WWI events as they unfolded 100 years ago on our timeline and

connect past and present by locating the exact spots where history was


- Stay abreast of commemorative events and see who’s joining in the

remembrance around you.

Why does it matter?

The Last Post app is part of The Last Post Project, a worldwide First World

War Centenary initiative. The intent is to help people unite in communities

to remember the impact that the First World War had on their local area.

It’s organized by the British non-profit Superact, an organization that

uses music and the arts to develop and deliver a wide-range of social

impact projects.

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