Spot MH370 debris

Spot MH370 debris Travel
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.0.2
  • 20.29MB

Spot MH370 debris -

Help solve MH370 air crash by spotting debris you might find

This app (beta version, more fixes to come) might give a hand to authorities to find more fragments of the boeing777 of Malaysian airlines.

Contribute to solving the mystery of the missing Flight 370, and help their families get closure.

Ocean currents have scattered the debris from the missing plane all over the Indian Ocean and possible parts have recently been found on the shores of Reunion island.

Probable debris from the plane have washed up on the shores of Reunion Island since

before the news break, but people misidentified them as rubbish and they were lost.

Parts from the Boeing 777 might have washed up on other islands and beaches in

the region.

If you are in the region and come across suspicious debris and objects that might

help in the search for the missing plane, you can use this application to take pictures

of the items and send it to our database. The collected information is anonymous and will

be accessible at no cost for interested parties.

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