Someone likes you - on BAND -
Discover friends and others who are interested in you!
"Someone likes you - friends on BAND"
Discover friends and others who are interested in you!
How it works:
1. Sign in with BAND so you can see your friends. (don’t worry – nothing will show up on your BAND wall)
2. Secretly select friends you are interested in by choosing “Interested” button when pictures of your friends show up. Your friends will NOT know that you’re interested at this point.
3. When friends that you’re interested in also express interest on you, we will let you know!
Q. Can others know when I select “Interested” button?
A. No, it is completely secret. However, after you select “Interested” button on your friend, that friend will receive a notice that someone has expressed interest in him/her.
Q. Can you cancel after selecting “Interested” button?
A. You can retract “Interested” by going to the “My Crushes” menu. However, if both you and your friend selected “Interested” button for each other, then you cannot retract your previous choice.
Q. What is a Candy?
A. A Candy allows you to view a picture of your BAND friends or their friends that you might be interested in.
Q. How do I get Candy?
A. You can get candy by: 1) wait 30 minutes for each candy to recharge for free. 2) Send Candies to your friends and wait for your friends to reciprocate. 3) Buy more Candies with "Someone likes you - friends on BAND".
Q. What happens if I sent a candy to a friend who has not joined "Someone likes you - friends on BAND" yet?
A. Don’t worry! Your friend will receive all the candies saved when he/she joins "Someone likes you - friends on BAND".
Q. How often can you send candies?
A. You can send one candy to each BAND friend a day.