SIN MRT (Singapore) -
SIN MRT help you get the best route within second.
Singapore MRT system getting complicated. SIN MRT is designed to help you to get the best route within second.
Press the station and select as start or end station, this app will calculate and select the shortest route for you. Besides that, this app also provided the latest Singapore MRT map and alert service for train disruptions.
This app gives you:
- best route between 2 stations
- time estimates
- number of stations and transfers
- updated Singapore MRT Map
- and no 3G/Wifi required
- locate nearby MRT station
- train fares
- travel distance
- search station feature
- alert notification
- lets you report train crowdedness in Singapore
- english, chinese and tamil singapore mrt station name
- free WiFi access icon, commuters can enjoy free Wireless@SG service at the stations' platform level. eg. EWL - Buona Vista
If there are any problems, write me an email. I'd love to hear your feedback.
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