San Blas

San Blas Business Office
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.1
  • 113.9MB

San Blas -

San Blas Residence Virtual Reality Application

The San Blas Residence application allows you to know the details of the whole venture in an innovative and totally interactive way. Through virtual reality resources it is possible to make a virtual visit to the residential apartments and leisure areas.

Check out all the advantages provided by the San Blas Residence application:

- Have a virtual immersion experience viewing environments in 360 °. With the aid of a virtual reality glasses (cardboard) observe the environments with the feeling of being inside them.

- If you do not have a virtual reality glasses, check out the 360 ​​° vision of the environment through the gyroscope of your smartphone. Turn your body sideways and move your phone up and down to view the environment on all sides.

- Check out the images and descriptions of the views and perspectives of all environments.

- Know the details of the available plant options.

- Watch the institutional video that presents the entire venture.

- Visit our website and check out exclusive information from this release and other Lumis products.

- Contact us by phone or email directly through the application! Ask your questions and get more details of our launch, including the acquisition values ​​of each unit.

- Know where this beautiful venture is being built. Visit the location map, see the full address and draw your route.


- The images presented in this application are merely illustrative.

- The objects that represent the furniture, decoration and equipment present in the illustrations do not accompany the delivery of the property.

- The materials and colors represented may change without notice.

- For a better presentation, we suggest the use of the application with the following models of cell phones: Samsung Galaxy (S5, S6, S6 Edge, S6 and Edge Plus) and Nexus (4 or higher).

- Compatible with Android 4.4 or higher.


Registration number R-2-145611, on 09/28/2015.

Notary of the 2nd Office of the Real Estate Registry of Florianópolis.


Lumis Construtora e Incorporadora Ltda

Rua Vitor Meirelles, 600, rooms 801 and 802

Campinas neighborhood, zip code 88101-070, São José, SC

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