Root App Remover -
App Remover is install/uninstall software for rooted device
App Remover is install/uninstall software which automatically show that android devices has been rooted
-Remove the application software
-Backup the software (under apk format)
-Remove system app.
-Restore the removed app
-Install an package into system app
- Apk management
a. User installed app:
• Remove the app (rooted devices could be removed quite a few apps at the same time)
• Backup the app(apk format)
b. System app:
• Remove system app (notice:devices were rooted)
• Install a package into system app (notice:devices were rooted)
• Removed apps were saved in "recycle bin" and can be restored (notice: devices were rooted)
c. Backup:
• Folders contain backup apps
• Can be reinstalled/removed
d. Apk manager:
• Scan entire apk files
• Can be reinstalled/removed
e. Recycle Bin:
• Folder that system apps just removed were saved
• Can be restored if it is necessary