Rally Tripmeter

Rally Tripmeter Sports and Health
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 4.11.4
  • 30.16MB

Rally Tripmeter -

An app for rally (co)drivers developed by a rally driver.

An app for rally (co)drivers developed by a rally driver. Rally Tripmeter is an application that makes traditional rally trips obsolete! This app helps rally drivers to measure distance, keep time between time controls, take time on special stages, keep you near your target speed on TSD or Regularity rallies and much more. And the best thing, this app does not weight anything! A must be app for every rally driver, even if you own a professional rally trip as you never know when you might need a backup! Works well both on small and large devices.

Now even more useful for TSD and Regularity rallies as there is two modes dedicated for them. You can define the special stages and keep just on time for the checkpoints. Be a Winner, use Rally Tripmeter!

What's New in the Latest Version 4.11.4

Last updated on May 17, 2024 Fixed a bug where rally time was not saved between restarts and Timed start did not work when rally time was changed.

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