Rain Forecast

Rain Forecast Practical Tools
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.05
  • 10.22MB

Rain Forecast -

With "Rain Forecast" you are able to prepare yourself on approaching rain.

With "Rain Forecast" you are able to prepare yourself on approaching rain. Through our sophisticated rain app incl widget you are warned of rain and snow.

Rainfall and Snowfall are predicted up to a minute. The forecast of rain is shown including probability of rainfall / snowfall. Of course it is possible that the information can be missed by minutes, it's depending on your position.

However, now you know in the morning if you'll need your umbrella or not.

Our app offers the following highlights:

# A wipe to the left takes you to the Favorites page. You can add locations by using the search box. To remove, "press" the location a little longer.

# The main screen shows the following ....

* The selected location

* Current Weather

* The current temperature

* The current windspeed

* The time until next rain

* Locat button to display the weather at your current location

* An update button

# The widget shows ....

* The time until the next rain and snow fall (including probability)

* The location

* The current temperature

* Clicking on the widget opens the main screen

* The selected location on the main screen is displayed in the widget

Another note:

The symbol "exclamation mark" indicates that there is currently no internet connection available. This can occur especially for devices like Sony with stamina mode. The widget is updated whenever a new internet connection will be established. With the next update, we will improve this.

Since we have only limited access to weather gods, we would be very pleased to receive a short info or suggestions. You can leave feedback via our site: dmapps7.de . We will update our apps soon.

Keywords: rain, snow, rain warner, snow warner, Rain Forecast, snow forecast, weather, precipitation

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