Quoka -
Buy and Sell used things with Quoka! Download now and get started right away!
Quoka - Your address for buying and selling used things
? Post ads for free
Use the Quoka app to effortlessly post free ads and instantly connect with potential buyers for your products or services!
? Save search and stay up to date
Personalize your search and receive notifications about the latest offers and ads.
? Contact providers quickly and easily
Contact sellers easily - via call, SMS or push message directly via the app.
❤️ Create a watch list and keep an eye on your favorite ads
Easily access all ads in your watch list and receive notifications when the price is reduced, for example.
? Share ads quickly and easily
Share your ads with friends and expand the reach of your offers.
? Easy to upload images
Enhance your ads and easily upload images from your mobile phone or gallery.
What's New in the Latest Version 8.11.5
Last updated on Nov 12, 2024 Hallo! Wir haben großartige Neuigkeiten! Wir haben eine neue, verbesserte Version der App veröffentlicht.In diesem Update haben wir eine neue Funktionalität eingeführt, mit der Sie die Standardabrechnungsdaten auswählen können.
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewertung im Google Play Store. Deine Meinung ist uns wichtig! Vergiss nicht, immer die neueste Version der App zu verwenden.