
PTSense Travel
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 0.9.6
  • 878.86KB

PTSense -

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PTSense aims at improving the user experience in riding Public Transportation as a form of personal advisor. This is built on the idea that choosing transportation is more than choosing duration and cost. By knowing how you like your journeys, PTSense can suggest you better routes on your daily routines or personalize your trip planning in real time.

Start sensing your trips and enjoy public transportation better!

How it works:

This app collects environment data during your journeys, using the sensors embedded in the smartphone and static sensors installed in the vehicle, if any. This context data is combined with emotional data collected from your wearable sensors, if any, and your own feedback of the trip. When the journey finishes, all of this data is sent to the web, where user profiles are maintained. Profiles indicate how the environment variables affect your perception of the trip. So, the more data you collect the more reliable your profile will be.

Later the system will be able to automatically infer your emotional state based on the current conditions without asking your feedback. Knowing your preferences and accessing real time PT information gives the opportunity to suggest better routes to your routines in real time as well as personalize your trip planning according to your preferences.


PTSense is part of a collaborative project between the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto and the Imperial College London.

What's New in the Latest Version 0.9.6

Last updated on Jan 21, 2016 *** Release for testing purposes ***

Available to all users from Android 2.1 until Android 4.0 (ICS). Public Transportation systems supported are:
- Metro do Porto (Porto, PT)
- STCP (Porto, PT)

This version includes:
- Use of smartphone sensors to collect environment data
- Auto-complete when inserting journey information
- Insert personal feedback for finished trips
- Notifications for ongoing sensing and user feedback requests
-Server communication done only when data connection available

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