Preisvergleich Barcode Scanner

Preisvergleich Barcode Scanner Online Shopping
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 4.2.2
  • 6.28MB

Preisvergleich Barcode Scanner -

Look for Products with Price Near Duck. Offers of Discount Stores ...

Price dates have all current offers of all discounters, supermarkets and other providers in your city. A simple and comfortable search helps you to find the best offers from brochures and bargains from next door.

You no longer have to leaf through hundreds of brochures, but have the full overview.

Simply search brochures! No more annoying leaves!

We are currently supporting:

Aldi Nord, Aldi Sued, Kaisers, Lidl, MediaMarkt, Netto, Norma, Penny, Real, Rewe, Saturn, Tchibo, Obi, Cunda, Edeka, Galeria Kaufhof, Deals, Kaufland, Rossmann, Hagebau, Hornbach, Douglas, Bauhaus

The functions at a glance:

✓ Price comparison in the area

✓ Local offers

✓ Brochures without leafing

✓ Scan barcodes

✓ Shopping

✓ Now with all local offers in your area.

*Barcode app by price comparison with local offers from all brochures*

We have:

- The latest brochures, offers

- Shops, price comparison, information and auctions


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Fast information:

Scanne with barcode app and you see all the shops, offers, brochures from you.

What's new in the latest version 4.2.2

Last updated on Aug 23, 2015 - Extended search with more results
- more bug fixing

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