Pless meteo - Pszczyna Pogoda -
The application allows you to keep track of the emerging and existing storm cells
The application allows you to keep track of the emerging and existing storm cells in Silesia and in the border areas. Unlike other tools available to our application uses data from a new generation of storm detector installed in Goczałkowice-Zdrój and meteorological stations located in Pless. With this application, we carefully monitor the conditions conducive to the formation of a storm, and the same storms. In addition to the location of storm cells also get information about the type of discharge (IC - cloud-cloud lightning, CG - lightning cloud-to-ground), as well as the intensity of the storm and the exact statistics occurring phenomena.
In addition, we have access to the current meteorological conditions collected from an autonomous weather station in Pless which also generates warning messages about the risks of storm. The application is ideal for emergency services, sailors, mountain guides, tourists, enthusiasts of meteorology and Pless county residents who want to have access to the latest meteorological data and want to get timely information on the impending threat (through the application can obtain information about the risk of hail) .