Okay -
The Social Network for Fashion Lovers
Okay App is a fashion app that allows the user to connect with the fashion collective. Categorizing into a specific event, for example, a first date, Okay encourages the user to upload a series of outfits, making their choices on the advice of their followers and advisors.
It allows you to get help in real time from your own social network to choose what to buy. Now the world of fashion is in your pocket, literally.
Okay App is the very first global social network which enables its users to get immediate assistance from their friends and advisors in order to make a choice. This has never been offered by any social network up to now.
How often have you been caught in a fix of picking up the correct dress or costume for a specific occasion while shopping?
Okay is the answer to the everlasting confusion of picking one dress over another. It equips you with the facility of uploading a series of looks that the fashion collective can vote on.
The user shared their images on the app, categorizing them into the most relevant occasion. The collective vote on which look they like best, as well as adding comments where appropriate. The outfit with the greatest percentage is the outfit you choose!
This app also empowers you to build your own personalized international fashion social network via your own profile. Okay App enables you to be in touch with the elite fashion specialists and enlighten yourself with valuable fashion tips.
Users can track their follower demographic, learning which brands and fashion advisors follow them, giving vital statistics to the user about the range of people interacting with them.