My Schedule -
Open Source schedule application with many common features. Perfect for study!
Open Source schedule application with many common features. Perfect for study!
The Schedule has:
* User autentication
* Store user autentication with just the hashcode
* Appointments stored per user
* Alarm Manager to schedule a notification
* Home Activity protected by permission
* Export/Import appointment to/from .apt file
* Ads
Android Features
* Fragment
* Transaction Animation
* Navigation Drawer
* Shared Preferences
* SQLite Database
* Content Provider
* Adapter
* Loader
* Intent Action PickContact
* Intent Filter with MimeType
* Service
* Notification
* Broadcast Receiver
* Custom Permission
* Wake Device
* GooglePlayService by Google
* RecyclerView by Google
* CardView by Google
* Gson by Google
* Picasso by SquareUp
* FloatingActionButton by Melnykov
What's New in the Latest Version 1.1
Last updated on Aug 1, 2015 OnResume bug fixNavigation Drawer add