Money Saving Manager

Money Saving Manager Life Entertainment
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.1
  • 4.73MB

Money Saving Manager -

Easy way to save money and keep track of your savings.

This application will help you save money and keep track of all your savings. It's a easy to use and simple application with aim to complete target of your savings.

Suppose you are planning a vacation after 6 months and you need 3000 USD to save for it. You can create Vacation Saving profile with 6 month time limit. The app will help you compete and keep track of all the savings you have made for this vacation trip. It will provide you useful data like

- Amount of savings till date

- Savings yet to be made.

- Savings per day or month to archive your target.

- The source of savings

Much more date with which you can easily archive your savings with in the time limit.

Savings can me made for many purpose. You can create as many saving profiles you want and the app will help you save for all such purposes.

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