Modern Human Design -
This application generates Human Design chart free of charge.
Modern Human Design is a transmission of the new knowledge. The Kabbalah, Chakras, I Ching and Astrology are the elements of the Human Design synthesis. It is a logical, easily understood system that requires no beliefs.
This is not classic human design and the report and explanation is more accurate and precise than traditional human design, and there will be brand new experience to users. All calculations regarding 13 planets are based on the open source information from NASA. And we are the first registered human design app in China. (Registration .No.: 2015SR138152)
Get your Human Design chart through this first bilingual Human Design app in the world with your birthday information, it tells you WHO you are and WHO you
are not, like a user guide for life.
Your Human Design chart contains the information that can help you:
• Understand your strengths and gifts
• Understand your unique patterns of energy
• Unlock your inner code and learn your life purpose
• Improve your career and relationship
• Get yourself “unstuck” and create what you want in your life
• How to consistently make the right decision in your life
To discover your own body intelligence in you, Human Design is the most powerful tool for the awakening process.