MIMS Mobile - Essential Support Tools for Clinical Practice!
MIMS Mobile - Essential Tool to Support Clinical Practice!
FREE MIMS App for Mobiles & Tablets provides prescribing information, medical news and CME articles as well as formulas for essential medical metrics for clinical practice needs doctor's daily.
With a diverse technology and equipment platform, MIMS can help you find the necessary and latest clinical information easily and conveniently, anytime, anywhere.
Download the FREE MIMS app and create a FREE account today!
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Featured Category:
Drug information - Doctors can improve patient treatment outcomes by using drugs safely and effectively at every prescription. MIMS provides concise drug information and detailed prescribing information in a format that is quickly accessed by mobile devices.
News & CME - Update medical news across Asia anytime, anywhere through reputable publications such as Medical Tribune, JPOG, Oncology Tribune and others.
MIMS Videos Series - Introducing video interviews with leading medical experts in many different fields, focusing on treatment options, disease management methods, latest news updates and many issues other!
What's New in the Latest Version 3.4.1
Last updated on Aug 19, 2024 Ứng dụng của chúng tôi hiện đã bao gồm các vị trí đặt banner trong các màn hình chính như trang chủ, trang tìm kiếm thuốc và thông tin thuốc nhằm giúp các chuyên gia y tế dễ dàng cập nhật tin tức thị trường.(Bản cập nhật V3.4.1: Google Play đã được cập nhật để hướng tới Android 14 và phiên bản cao hơn.)