Mi TransMi y SITP Bogota -
Travel Planner Easy, I need and sitp Transmilenio Bogota, Colombia
2 clicks and travel happy;) !!!
Find the SITP with address:
1. Press the origin button
2. Press the SITP tab
3. Digita the direction of origin
4. Choose the origin station.
5. Repeat the same for fate.
It is easy and fast to use, always finds what you need, you really understand and know all the places in Bogota.
This is what our clients say:
"Great tool! (5 stars)
Practice, simple and functional. At the height of the NYC subway and the London Metro. Thank you! "For Poponautical
"Excellent (5 stars)
Always attentive to update the already proper functioning "by Deltha06
"Excellent app (5 stars)
Super recommended, do not hesitate to download it !! "By By Morris One
It is the perfect application for public transport in Bogotá with the following main functions:
- Direct routes
- Transhipment routes
- Number of stops per trip
- Complete offline (you don't need Internet connection)
- References of updated buses
- System map
With new search for the SITP by Barrios. It is very easy, digital:
- Unicentro, Paloquemao or Ricaurte and you will have the SITP route that travel through these places.
System information is based on public domain data. The application is informative and has no other purpose. The data will be updated as soon as they are available to the general public.
Transilenio (R) in Bogota is registered trademark of Transmilenio SA Mi Transi has no relationship with Transmilenio SA
What's New in the Latest version 2.36
Last updated on jul 31, 2015 looks for all Transmilenio and Sitp routesIt is easy and fast to use, always finds what you need. You can search the station by address or nearby places.
"Great tool! - 5 stars
Practice, simple and functional. At the height of the NYC subway and the London Metro. Thank you! "Poponautical
"Excellent - 5 stars
Always attentive to update the already proper functioning "deltha06
"Excellent app - 5 stars
Super recommended, do not hesitate to download it !! "By Morris One