Melbourne Bus Finder -
Map bus routes and view schedules for Melbourne and regional Victorian centres
Bus Finder aims to make Melbourne buses easier to find, by letting you:
- Plot routes on a map to see where they go (now with proper paths that follow roads)
- See upcoming buses for every route at any stop
- Realtime information for all metro bus routes
- See the detailed timetable for a particular run
- Search by route name/number or stop
- Save favourite stops
- Switch between Google maps and detailed Melway maps
Upgrade to Pro (in-app) for:
- Notifications with upcoming departure times when you’re near favourite stops
- Disruption notifications for your bus routes, from PTV and bus operators
- Android Wear support with map & directions
- Homescreen widget shortcuts to favourite stops
This app is in no way affiliated with Public Transport Victoria. Melway maps used with express permission of Melway Publishing