Makna Nama Anak -
Search the collection of 3,255 Islamic baby names (Muslim) with their meaning
Search the collection of 3,255 Islamic baby names (Muslim names, etc) with their meaning. Get a suitable names for your baby girl or baby boy.
Please read the instruction:
* The meaning of the name will mean the name of the child. Example: Nurul = Light
* Letter analysis will give analysis based on all letters and not based on the meaning of the name.
* Misunderstandings occur when catching letter analysis is the meaning of the name. (For example, a bad meaning will remain analysis based on letters). Please use the name proposal function to obtain a good name meaning.
* Hadith reference provides good name guidance as well as banned names.
* This app is free. Please give a good rating if useful.
*For Indonesian User. Please search for the name of Baby Baby Indonesia Apps in the Google Play Store.