LED Scroller 3 - FREE -
Communicate in style!Don't say it - scroll it!
Type text, choose font/color/speed, and scroll your text like a LED Ticker/Banner/Marquee on your screen! Awesome effect in the dark, extremely nifty to show eyecatching LED Messages to that special someone when you're out clubbing! Use it as a sign in your shop, communicate at concerts or at the movies.
LED Scroller 3 - the scroller that actually LOOKS like a LED display!
LED Scroller 3 lets you type in a text, choose color and speed, and scroll the text sideways like a LED display on your Android! As seen on billboards, stock tickers, banners and traffic signs everywhere. Cool in the dark, and nifty to send very visible LED messages to that special someone when you're out partying!
DJ? Communicate with your crowd. Out fishing? Send silent messages to your buddies! At a concert? Send requests to your favorite artist by the speed of light! At the club? Flash your number to the mysterious stranger in the corner! Lost each other in the dark? Write a very visible 'Over here!'. Want to communicate through the window of the bus or to fellow motorists on the highway? You know what to do. Running a café or restaurant and want to display today's specials in a cool and visible way? LED Scroller is for you.
Also check out Live Wallpaper LED Scroller 3 to turn your desktop into a LED Scorller!
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