Led Flashlight App +Torchlight

Led Flashlight App +Torchlight Life Entertainment
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.0.17
  • 4.79MB

Led Flashlight App +Torchlight -

Led Flashlight & Torch is a free flashlight app

This is a free Flashlight app for your device. It is very simple and very easy to usel. It will use your device's camera LED / flash / screen as a torchlight. It has flash light and flash alerts for incoming calls and incoming Sms


* Bright Flashlight / torch mode when using the device LED.

* Bright led screen lights.

* Beautiful layout and simple controls.

* Small memory footprint, low battery and CPU consumption. Highly optimized.

* Best tablet Flashlight

* Turns on all available LED lights on the device

* Camera Flash LED at Maximum

* Screen at Bright Maximum

* Keyboard Backlight at Maximum

* Soft Keys Backlight at Maximum

* Flash Alerts for incoming calls

* Flash Alerts for incoming Sms

This Led flashlight torch application has been tested to work on work perfectly well on tablet phones and tablet devices. It is rated as one of the best application on tablet torchlight

What's New in the Latest Version 1.0.17

Last updated on Mar 22, 2016 1. Fixing of Bugs and crashes

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