Lectio Divina - On Jest

Lectio Divina - On Jest Life Entertainment
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 2.2.6
  • 3.06MB

Lectio Divina - On Jest -

Lectio Divina - praying the Word of God. Readings and reflections for each day.

The "Lectio Divina - He Is" application helps us read the Word of God in such a way that this Word changes our thinking and in its light we make good choices and make good decisions.

The application is an electronic version of the Lectio Divina reflections, prepared since 2011 in printed form for the parishioners of Our Lady of Sorrows in Wrocław - Strachocin by members of the "On Jest" community of the Light - Life Movement.

The authors' intention was to create a simple, easily accessible and intuitive (simplicity of use) tool for praying with God's Word, with understandable content of considerations presenting the Word of God in the context of everyday life of an ordinary person and related to life situations experienced by the writers. The application is addressed in particular to people who feel the need to pray and are looking for an orderly and uncomplicated method of praying with the Word of God.

The authors of the considerations – commentaries – are lay people. The comments are intended by the authors to be of a rather auxiliary nature. The main goal is a personal encounter of the reader with the Word of God, which, as Saint says. Paul, is in itself "living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the desires and thoughts of the heart" (Hebrews 4:12). This is done by guiding the reader, step by step, through the individual stages of this method

reflections on the Word of God:

1. Reading (lectio),

2. Meditation (meditatio),

3. Prayer (oratio) and remaining before God (contemplatio).

4. Action (actio)

The most important benefit noticed by people using the Lectio Divina method is the growing sensitivity to listening to God in everyday life and the mobilization to pray regularly with God's Word.

Other benefits mentioned by users indicate the value of this form of reflection on the Word in the context of combining prayer and life: "prayer is not separated from life. My life becomes a prayer", "the lectio method organizes my life", "I feel that God guides me and admonishes me how to live in everyday life."

Only one reading is selected for consideration from among the liturgical readings prescribed by the Church for a given day of the year, because, as Saint teaches us. Ignatius, "it is not the abundance of knowledge, but the inner feeling and tasting of things that satisfies and satisfies the soul."

The application works offline, text updates are downloaded from the Internet once a week (on Saturday) for each subsequent week. Additional help for those using the application

there is an accessible description of the entire Lectio Divina method.

From December 2017, the application is also available for iPhones.

What's New in the Latest Version 2.2.6

Last updated on Jan 16, 2022 Poprawki i dodatkowa diagnostyka błędów

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