KCCI 8 Weather -
Severe weather alerts, maps, radar, closings, forecasts, & live video from KCCI!
Get real-time access to severe weather alerts. Download the KCCI 8 Weather app for free today.
- Be alerted to breaking severe weather information with push notifications.
- Watch live streaming breaking weather when it happens and get live updates from our meteorologists.
- Submit breaking weather, news tips or email your news photos and videos right to our newsroom and it could be featured on air.
- Check out current Des Moines weather conditions, hourly and 8 day forecasts wherever you might be.
- Our interactive radar lets you zoom in and out to street level and watch storms as they approach. Move the map around to see major weather activity.
- See weather alerts and updates, watch videocasts from your favorite Storm Team 8 meteorologists and more.
No matter where you are in the Des Moines local area, you can stay up to date on the latest weather information with the KCCI 8 Weather app.