Imergex Panic Button -
Designed to assist anybody in distress situation that threat a persons.
PB is designed to assist in alerting somebody in distress or in an emergency situation where a threat to persons or property exists. A one-to-many mode of communication, developed for a mobile phone that provides assistance and to inform authorities, relatives and/or close persons and friends, on the emergency / disaster their facing.
However, it is dependent on various factors that may need your attention:
1. The Call and Text messages are charged as per usual network rates. It is important to have a load for emergencies
2. The Text message. Depending on network traffic a slight delay may occur during transmission.
3. The GPS co-ordinates received and internet connections are Telco dependent.
4. The recipient of the text message will require a web browser enabled phone to receive the locations on Google
maps. With phones without a web browser, only coordinates will be shown.
5. Panic button can be use without Internet connection. Only GPS is on.
What's New in the Latest Version 6
Last updated on Oct 23, 2015 1. You can customized the message on the apps.2. Revised look and user preferences
3. Manual Log-in for Facebook