High Tide Venice - Hi!Tide -
Hi!Tide Venice - never caught off guard by the high tide!
Hi!Tide Venice is the official app for monitoring the tide in the city of Venice, developed in collaboration with the Istituzione Centro Previsioni e Segnalazioni Maree of Venice (ICPSM).
The app allows to monitor the current tide in Venice and it provides detailed tide forecasts for the next two days.
Moreover, it is possible to receive a push notification when the flood exceeds a certain threshold that you can set.
hi!tide Venice can tell you if different places around the city are flooded or if you can walk without getting wet.
You can monitor the tide level in the most relevant places in the city (P.le Roma, Ferrovia, Ca' d'Oro, Rialto, San Marco, ecc.) and at all the ACTV ferry stops.
This is the perfect app to avoid to get your feet wet, preventing the high tide ("acqua alta")!
Data is officially provided by the ICPSM. More details at: http://www.comune.venezia.it/maree.