Hey Taxi! - Usuario -
An Application That Gives The User A Quick and Reliable Cab Experience
Heytaxi! It allows you in an agile and reliable way to request taxis at the Golden Gate of Colombia: Barranquilla! And the best ... it's free!
The main advantages offered by this app are around your safety:
-We have drivers and vehicles through a selection process.
Only your complete location comes to the assigned taxi driver.
-The taxi driver can communicate with you through the app without knowing your cell number.
-We give you full identification of the taxi driver including photo, name, plate and type of vehicle (we recommend you corroborate this information when entering the vehicle with the operation card that by law must have the taxis in view of the users).
-You can share service data at the time of taking it on social networks.
-You can monitor the taxi route from the moment it was assigned until the service ends.
With Heytaxi! You can even request taxis from your friends or family who do not have smartphone and provide them with the security benefits.
Visit us at www.heytaxi.com.co
Contact us via email to: [email protected]
Minimum requirements:
3G or WIFI equipment with Android system with version 2.3 or greater, which has GPS and with active Internet service.
Have Gmail synchronized in the team.
Soon in other cities in Colombia.
Welcome to Heytaxi!