Guachapp -
Find, Consultation and Values Guachinches and Typical Canarian Food Premises
Guachapp !
Guachapp ! ® It is the first application for mobile devices that find Guachinches and typical Canarian food stores, know how to get, value them or write comments. Developed and developed in the Canary Islands, it was born with the idea of solving the big problem that sometimes involves finding establishments where you can enjoy typical Canarian food in a traditional environment and accompanied by good wine from Earth.
Guachinches are establishments that have their origin in the stalls that mounted many farmers and ranchers on certain dates of the year to sell their products (especially Malvasia came).
Formerly the Guachinches corresponded to a room of the family home, where the winemaker's wife offered some tapas taken from the family kitchen to accompany the wine bitch, an activity that over time has been professionalized.
Above comfort, the Guachinche client will find a familiar and traditional kitchen: homemade stews such as chickpeas with ribs, rabbit in salmorejo, ribs with potatoes, salty ribs with potatoes and pineapples of millo, bubanos (zucchini) filled, potatoes with mojo, party meat (pig marked in cubits), baifo (kid), fish churros battered), clothing, scdy, etc.
Version 1.4
- Add Visited/Unpaid option: Through this option the user can mark the Guachinches you have visited to bring control.
- Added Audio.
- Improved the search option that appears in the upper bar: we can write only the name of the Guachinche, for example, the tones, Hilda, ... both in capital letters and in lowercase.
- Corrected problem with the guachinches selection list in the option of nearby guachinches.
- corrected small graphic errors.
Version 1.3
- Add Visited/Unpaid option: Through this option the user can mark the Guachinches you have visited to bring control.
- Added Audio.
- Improved the search option that appears in the upper bar of the Guachinches map screens, nearby guachinches and Guachinches search: we can simply write the name of the Guachinche, for example, the barrels, Hilda, ... both in capital letters and in lowercase or the full name, for example, Guachinche El Cordero.
- Corrected problem with the guachinches selection list in the option of nearby guachinches.
- corrected small graphic errors.
Version 1.2
- Solved problem when loading the maps when the WiFi/3g connection is unstable.
- Add search option in the action bar (map screens) to easily find the desired guachinche.
What's New in the Latest version 1.7
Last updated on SEP 27, 2015 version 1.6 - Added ranking option.
- Added APP and Guachinches options.
- Add search option by name.
- Error correction.
- New design.