Grace of God - Kids Story -
Kids Story book. Drawing book, Paint, Erase, Save, Record and Play the audio
Grace of God - Kids Story and Activity Book
Grace of God
Page 1: One pleasant morning the Apple set out for a walk. It might rain so he took an umbrella with him. It was a cloudy day and cool breeze was blowing. The weather was very fine that day. Happy heartedly he was singing a song.
Page 2: Suddenly the apple found some tiny drops of water fell down on his cheeks. He opened his umbrella. Gradually intensity of rain increases. His umbrella was so small that it could hardly cover his body.
Page 3: It had started raining heavily. He found a barren tree nearby. He settled down under the tree. The tree was of no use because it could not give him any shelter. Any how he covered himself under his small umbrella.
Page 4: All of a sudden Papaya ran towards him and said, “Dear Apple help me. I neither have any umbrella nor could I find any suitable place to hide from rain. Please give me shelter. Apple thought, “I myself am unable to fit in my small umbrella, how I could help papaya.” But he felt pity on Papaya. So he let him come in.
Page 5: Then came Orange with the same story. He also asked Apple for shelter. Apple allowed him to come in and wondering when the rain was going to stop. Rain was creating problem for everybody.
Page 6: Now ice balls also had started falling with the rain. It had increased the trouble for everyone. Now banana ran to apple and asked for help. Apple gave him shelter. Banana thanked him and came under his umbrella.
Page 7: Evening has fallen down now. Mango came afterwards. He had the same story. He also wanted Apple’s help. Apple generously helped him. But he wondered what made his small umbrella able to protect so many fruits. He was surprised but feeling happy.
Page 8: After Mango the Apple gave shelter to melon, watermelon, Pomegranate, pear, sweet lime peach, chickoo and guava. The night has passed and the bright morning took place. They all were standing under the small umbrella and feeling protected.
Page 9: It was a bright sunny morning. The cool breeze started blowing again. Sky was clear. Apple was now unable to hide his anxiety. He asked God, “Oh God! I myself was not able to fit in my small umbrella. What made my small umbrella able to give shelter to so many fruits?”
Page 10: Someone laughed loudly. Apple looked up and saw it was the Sun. Sun said, “Dear Apple, your umbrella is small but your heart is very big. God helps those who help others. God has helped you. Apple was surprised.
Page 11: The apple closed his umbrella and looked up. He felt so happy and proud. Leaves had grown up on the barren tree. Leaves covered the entire tree. The tree was now giving shelter to all the fruits. It was God who helped the apple to protect all the fruits.
Drawing book, Record and Play the audio