GPS Area & Distance Calculator -
Small app to calculate areas using GPS
This application is useful for calculating areas, perimeters. Load and Save your areas.Different units to choise:metres, hectares,feet,acres,km etc. Manage file GPX
This application can calculate the areas or track by tapping the points on the map.
For calculate an area with GPS you have to turn on GPS device.
This application is useful for calculating areas, perimeters, and distances between GPS points.
To calculate an area first of all must wait for the GPS signal, it is also necessary to constantly monitor
The accuracy of the device that is constantly shown on the screen.
To start the calculation an area or a distance between a number of points need to press the "start" button.
Then walk the perimeter of the area or take the path to be measured and stop at every corner, waiting
a good precision signal, press the select button.
When you have selected all the points you want to press the "Stop" button. The display area will appear under the area in square meters.
Please note that the lower is the accuracy of the device the more accurate the calculation.
The accuracy of GPS depends on the internal hardware of the smartphone.