Gay & Lesbian Chat

Gay & Lesbian Chat Newsletter Social
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.3.1
  • 3.13MB

Gay & Lesbian Chat -

Chat NOW with other Gay or Lesbian people! Show off your LGBT Pride

Chat with Gay & Lesbian people. Join Now and show off your LGBT Pride!

Tired of waiting for a reply back? Chat with REAL people in REAL time. No fake profiles. Just other LGBTs looking to talk.

Gay & Lesbian Chat app has all have Language filters, and spam filters enabled. Additionally, you can control your own privacy by blocking people, or not allowing anyone to private message you. We actively block repeat offenders, and search out non-complaint users. Your privacy, and safety are important to us.

☻This app is made for adults to talk to each other in a civilized matter. Do not install this application if you plan on talking about anything with mature / adult content. If caught, your account will be permanently deleted.

Gay & Lesbian Chat is are for users 18 years and older ONLY. Do not upload Adult content or offensive content. If caught violating our terms, your account may be blocked permanently.

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