Fast App SwiTcher Small App -
The Ultimate App Switcher For Xperia devices and it's Lollipop Ready!
Ever tired of doing two click just to switch apps? Or losing focus on what you've just read caused by transition animation to Recent Task Menu? Or that app switcher button is too far away? Or even, typing Web URL takes too much of your finger? Not anymore with this Small App for Xperia!
[ SmApEx4SoPr ] Small apps extension for Sony products [ sonysmallappsextension ]
1. Always On the Foreground App Switcher
2. Slim Design Just Like Windows Taskbar
3. Auto Update App List with Adjustable seconds
4. Adjustable Number of Viewable Recent Apps
5. Keep Order of Recent Apps For Easier Navigation
6. Swipe Down to Refresh the List (just like Gmail) - Vertical Layout Only
7. Ability to choose Horizontal/Vertical Layout
8. Pin/Unpin the Small App so it will automatically minimize after losing focus.
9. Context Menu for each App Listed (show App Info + Direct Add App into Favourite) by Long Click on an App Icon
10. Switchable App Mode (So you can have Favorite Only, or Recent Only, Or Both)
11. Other Sony Small Apps can be tagged as Favourite Apps!
12. Long Click on Small App Mode Switcher to Suspend All Recent App from Memory
13. Web URL can be tagged as Favourite App (max of 3 apps on free version)
Purchase Pro version and you'll get:
1. Load at startup (For Sony JB ROM and up)
2. Ability to Restart on Accidental Exit
3. You can choose Only Favourite Apps List Or The Entire Apps List!
4. You can manually order the Favourite Apps!
5. Persist On Exit (No More Accidental Exit Incidents!)
6. Ability to Order Favourite Apps Based on App Name, Click Count, or Last Clicked.
7. Unlimited Number of Favourite Web App that can be added
8. Icon Pack Support for ADW/Nova/Apex Compatible Icon Pack
Want To DIscuss it? Head Over to For more info!
What's New in the Latest Version 3.3.0
Last updated on Oct 9, 2016 1. BUGFIX: Android Marshmallow Full Compatibility2. BUGFIX: Shortcut not added after Adding from Preference.
3. TWEAK: Clicking Back Button on Android Navbar will minimize Small App Window