Fake Call & Fake SMS

Fake Call & Fake SMS Business Office
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.2
  • 1MB

Fake Call & Fake SMS -

Fake Call - Prank Call And SMS make fun of your Friend and Girlfriends.

Fake Caller and Fake Message Free in Android Market!

Fake Call - Prank Call,Now you can make calls and send sms false guilt free!

With our application you can simulate phone calls to fool your friends or your girlfriend. While your girlfriend are watching TV can simulate a fake call, record a voice and she will stay scared!

You can also fool your family simulating a conversation by false messages (sms).

Want to play a prank on your friends with this fake call?

Now you can make free calls and false scare your friends with the simulator hoax calls

You will have to put the time you want it takes to ring the phone, image and name. Within seconds will receive.

Fake Caller App lets configure time, name, number and message of the fake call or fake sms you want to received.


- Set Caller Name or Number.

- Set Caller picture

- Set Ringtone

- Set Call or SMS time

- Simulate Fake calling screen as real as your different phone.

- Customize fake caller id, picture, number, in-call voice and ringtone for a new fake call ;

- Schedule multi fake calls/sms (text messages) ;

- Customize and manage the different in-call voice and ringtones for each fake call/sms (text messages) ;

- Fake call/sms (text messages) quick set ;

- Schedule a new fake call/sms (text messages) at a specific time;

- Fake call/sms (text messages) logs

- Fake Call Girl operated without wifi.

- Select fake caller id from your contacts;

- Also showed in your fake call history;

- Fake call/sms (text messages) ringtone ,vibration and fake call voice can be customized ;

- Play Fake voice after fake call answered;


This is Prank App For Fun and Entertainment Purpose Only.

You can not send or receive real calls and messages from or to someone else.

No personal information will never be stolen from you in our apps.

What's New in the Latest Version 1.2

Last updated on Aug 6, 2015 -Enhance User Interface
-Minor Bug Fixed

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