Electrical Instrumentation -
Complete Free handbook of Electrical Instrumentation with diagrams and graphs.
The app is a complete free handbook of Electrical Instrumentation which covers important topics, notes, materials & news on the course. Download the App as a reference material & digital book for Electronics, Signals, and Measurement for Electrical Engineering and Computer Science engineering programs & degree courses.
This useful App lists 280 topics with detailed notes, diagrams, equations, formulas & course material, the topics are listed in 5 chapters. The app is must have for all the engineering science students & professionals.
The app provides quick revision and reference to the important topics like a detailed flash card notes, it makes it easy & useful for the student or a professional to cover the course syllabus quickly just before an exams or job interviews.
Also get the hottest international engineering & technology news on your app powered by Google news feeds. We have customised it so that you get regular updates on subject from international/national colleges, universities, research, industry, applications, engineering, tech, articles & innovation.
This is the best application to remain updated on your fav. subject.
Use this useful engineering app as your education tool, utility, tutorial, book, a reference guide for syllabus and explore study course material, aptitude tests & project work.
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Some of the topics are :
1. Introduction to AC Electricity
2. Circuits with R, L, and C
3. RC Filters
4. AC Bridges
5. Magnetic fields
6. Analog meter
7. Electromechanical devices
8. Introduction to Basic Electrical Components
9. Resistance
10. Capacitance
11. Inductance
12. Introduction to Electronics
13. Discrete amplifiers
14. Operational amplifiers
15. Current amplifiers
16. Differential amplifiers
17. Buffer amplifiers
18. Nonlinear amplifiers
19. Instrument amplifier
20. Amplifier applications
21. Digital Circuits
22. Digital signals & Binary numbers
23. Logic circuits
24. Analog-to-digital conversion
25. Circuit Considerations
26. Introduction to Process control
27. Process Control
28. Definitions of the Elements in a Control Loop
29. Process Facility Considerations
30. Units and Standards
31. Instrument Parameters
32. Introduction to Level
33. Level Formulas
34. Direct level sensing
35. Indirect level sensing
36. Application Considerations
37. Introduction to Pressure
38. Basic Terms
39. Pressure Measurement
40. Pressure Formulas
41. Manometers
42. Diaphragms, capsules, and bellows
43. Bourdon tubes
44. Other pressure sensors
45. Vacuum instruments
46. Application Considerations
47. Introduction to Actuators and Control
48. Pressure Controllers
49. Flow Control Actuators
50. Power Control
51. Magnetic control devices
52. Motors
53. Application Considerations
54. Introduction to flow
55. Flow Formulas of Continuity equation
56. Bernoulli equation
57. Flow losses
58. Flow Measurement Instruments of Flow rate
59. Total flow and Mass flow
60. Dry particulate flow rate and Open channel flow
61. Application Considerations
62. Humidity
63. Humidity measuring devices
64. Density and Specific Gravity
65. Density measuring devices
66. Viscosity
67. Viscosity measuring instruments
68. pH Measurements, pH measuring devices and pH application considerations
69. Position and Motion Sensing
70. Position and motion measuring devices
71. Force, Torque, and Load Cells
72. Force and torque measuring devices
73. Smoke and Chemical Sensors
74. Sound and Light
75. Sound and light measuring devices
76. Sound and light application considerations
Each topic is complete with diagrams, equations and other forms of graphical representations for better learning and quick understanding.
Electrical Instrumentation is part of Electronics, Signals, and Measurement for Electrical Engineering and Computer Science engineering education courses and technology degree programs of various universities.
What's New in the Latest Version 7
Last updated on Apr 24, 2019 Check out New Learning Videos! We have Added• Chapter and topics made offline access
• New Intuitive Knowledge Test & Score Section
• Search Option with autoprediction to get straight the your topic
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• Provide Storage Access for Offline Mode