Domain Age Checker -
Find out any domain's registration information with Domain Age Checker.
Use Domain Age Checker to check the registration information for any website. This includes the site’s owner, site creation date, site age, and more.
Domain age is a key component of SEO. Older websites tend to have a much higher reputation according to Google. Quickly and easily check the domain age of any website with Domain Age Checker. Find out age and information about your top competitors and more.
To use the app, simply enter the URL you want to track on the main screen, then tap “Get Report.” The app will return 4 drop-downs: Domain Registration Details, Domain Registrant Details, Administrative Contact Details, and Technical Contact Details.
Domain Registration Details will tell you information about the website itself: the registered domain name, estimated domain age, domain created date, domain update date, and domain expiry date. Domain registrant details give you information about the person who registered the domain: domain registrant name, registrant email, registrant address, and registrant phone. Administrative contact details give you information about the administrator of the website, while technical contact details tell you about the person in charge of the technical aspects of the site. Both sections provide name, email, address, and phone number.
If you are interested in purchasing the domain for yourself, you can set a reminder for when the domain registration is expiring. Click the clock in the top right corner and choose when you want to be alerted: one month, 15 days, one week, or one day before the domain expires. Check on any reminders you’ve set on the app’s homepage by clicking on “View Reminders.”
Why is it important to track the domain registration information for a website? Google accounts for domain age in its SERP rankings. When ranking search results, older domains are typically considered more credible.
Of course, this is just one factor in SERP. As you work on your search engine optimization, be sure to check out other apps from LXRMarketplace. The SEO Site Grader will score your website (or any URL) out of 100 based on key SEO factors and provide tips for improving your score. The SEO Backlink Checker provides a list of all the sites that are currently linking to your website. Backlinks help build credibility for SERP. Download these apps and others from LXRMarketplace to maximize your SEO efforts.