Digital Signature Creator -
Signature Creator
Digital Signature Creator
is an useful app to create your own digital signatures for your documents (Pdf,Word etc..)
Without using a pen with realistic pen effects, now you can easily sign your documents and add your name with handwritten fonts on your phone in few steps. and send via SMS/EMAIL and other clients available on your phone.
Never leave your documents unsigned with Digital Signature Creator Pro you can always get it done.
End your pain of scanning documents in the office again and again just to get it signed,simply sign it on your phone and attach on any document anytime you need.
Why do I need it?
You work in a office, you receive tons of documents which you need to sign them.
What does normal office person do to sign his/her documents?
Print them out, sign them with your pen, then scan again and transfer on your pc.
This process can be tiring and time consuming when you have to deal with lots documents and when you have to follow up your boss' documents.
By using Digital Signature Creator Pro. you sign once, transfer your signature on your computer and use it all the time by simply adding your signature on any document.
You can always keep your boss' signature or regularly used signature add them on any document any time you want.
How to use
1.Simply sign the white box.
2.Add your name (PRO ONLY)
3.Save your signature in your SDcard (DigitalSignatureCreatorPro Folder)
4.Send it as a SMS or an Email (It will autosave before sending)
5.Finally download your signature from your email attachment on your PC and use in any document(PDF,Word etc..) you need.
• This app has Ads.
• Pro version is available with no Ads
• Add your name (Realistic handwriting) (PRO ONLY)
• You can add your name with selection of different handwritten fonts.
Sign Pad
• Large Sign Pad
• Tablet support
Fonts (PRO ONLY)
•Normal font
•4 different realistic Handwritten font
Pen Size
•5 Different pen size selection
Pen Colour
• 9 Realistic color selection
• Black pen
• Blue pen
• Gray Pencil
• Green
What's New in the Latest Version 1.0.5
Last updated on Aug 21, 2015 26 Jun 2013 Wed•6 new colours added
•Bug fixes and improvements