Depo Time Sheet

Depo Time Sheet Business Office
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.3
  • 379.56KB

Depo Time Sheet -

Depo Time Sheet is designed specifically for legal video & CLVS members.

Depo Time Sheet is an application designed specifically for legal videographers and CLVS members. It is designed to replace both your handwritten timesheet and a handheld audio recorder. Simply tap On the Record, Off the Record, Objections, Exhibits, and Change of Attorney. Then send yourself a spreadsheet and audio recording of the proceedings via email or Dropbox. This is a must have app if you are in the legal video industry.

* For version 1 it is recommended that you also download the companion app MediaCoverter ( to easily convert the 3gp files into MP3s for your reporter.


- Clicking "On the Record" starts recording audio and then automatically logs the item and time on the log sheet.

- Every item logged keeps its sequential numbering (Example: Defense Objection 1, Defense Objection 2, Defense Objection 3, etc.)

- When On the Record, a permanent notification goes up. This is to notify you that you are on the record and gives you a quick way to hop back into the app to log items.

- There are safeties built in to keep you from improperly logging items while you are not on the record.

- There is a secondary prompt when deleting items to ensure you do no accidentally delete a logged item.

- If you do not have the necessary SD card installed, a warning will appear at the top of the app.

- Once you click "Finish the Deposition" you have the option of returning to the current deposition, or starting a new one.

- You can see how much available space you have on your device on the secondary screen. If your device becomes too full from all the audio files DTS creates you can simply use the "Delete All DTS Files" to free up space. Of course there is a secondary prompt to ensure you do not accidentally delete all your audio and spreadsheet files.

- When sending spreadsheet and audio files you have many options including email and Dropbox if you have it installed on your device.

- If you wish you manually retrieve spreadsheet or audio files via file explorer their location is auto-populated at the top of the secondary screen.

Limitations of version 1:

- Currently DTS does not support audio input from an external audio source, but will in future versions.

- Currently only records audio to 3gp format, but will record to Wav and MP# in future versions.

- Overly bright buttons on older Gingerbread devices, will enhance color scheme on older devices in future versions.

* By downloading and using Depo Time Sheet you are in no way holding Witness Applications or its affiliates responsible for any results of its use.

What's New in the Latest Version 1.3

Last updated on Mar 25, 2016 Version 1.3
+ Added a menu button to record or not record audio.
+ Notification icons are different colors whether you are recording or not.
+ Audio is silenced when on the record till you hit "Finish the Deposition".

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