DashCam -
DashCam (Dashboard Camera) - background recording, auto start and GPS tracking.
This application will allow you to use your phone as a dashboard camera. Background recording is supported so you can use your phone for navigation, music, receiving phone calls, or even turn the screen off while continuing to record looping video in the background.
DashCam is currently being actively developed. If you encounter a problem, please consider using the Email Developer link below rather than just leaving a low rating, that way I can attempt to resolve the problem for you ASAP.
Free Features:
* Background video recording.
* Notification for background recording with stop recording, keep current video and open application actions - all three available together only from Honeycomb (Android 3.0+).
* Set file duration, and number of files to keep - oldest files automatically removed.
* Disable recording beep - only available on Jelly Bean MR1 (Android 4.2+).
* Tap screen to store current file permanently while app is running.
* Video preview with the option to disable preview while recording (reduces battery usage).
* Select storage folder location.
* KitKat SD Card access supported.
* Estimated storage requirements and warning if these exceed available space.
* Current file duration display.
* Disable sound recording from settings
* Lock App Orientation
* Configure Camera Rotation Offset - Some devices incorrectly report the orientation of the camera, causing a rotated image, this can be manually corrected.
* No ads / no internet connection required for use (you will need to be connected to upgrade to premium, but only for the purchase process).
Premium Features
* Auto Start Stop Recording - When App starts, on Paired Bluetooth profile connect/disconnect, on Dock connect/disconnect (car dock, any dock, any power), on Car Home Screen open/close.
* Auto stop is delayed till the end of the next file, so that in the event of an accident and the phone coming out of the dock, or Bluetooth failing a few minutes of extra footage is recorded. This can be disabled in settings.
*option to log GPS for each video file, saved as GPX, KML or KMZ format.
* View route for kml and kmz files in Google Earth from file manager.
* Set Video Resolution - NB This feature is limited to only max or min resolution for Gingerbread and earlier (Before Android 3.0).
* Set Video Frame rate
* Lock the camera focus on infinity (experimental feature to stop some devices focussing on the windscreen).
* Auto keep current recording on high G-Force detected.
* Manage stored and temporary files - Permanently keep temporary files, delete files, view files (using the default player for mp4 files, this may require installing a 3rd party player of your choice).
* Clear all storage
Files are written to the subfolder "/DashCam" under the location you select.
Files you tap to keep are moved to subfolder "/DashCam/Keep"
Caveats / Known issues:
Some older phones ignore the video rotation when recording. The Nexus One for example. This means if you mount these phones at an orientation other than their default the video will appear rotated on playback. This happens with the stock camera too.
If you close the app while recording, or if it is backgrounded when receiving a phone call, and you have the video preview while recording turned on, you will lose the preview until the next file starts recording.