Compari -
Information about products and offers available at the best prices!
Using the mobile application of the most accessed comparison page in Romania, you can choose between the offers of over 850 stores.
The application offers you updated information about the selected product easily and quickly. You can compare the prices, existing stocks, delivery information to find the best offer.
You can look for printed categories, you can set filters, or you can use the function of reading the bar code, to find anywhere and whenever the desired product. We facilitate the decision by giving you opinions about the product, detailed descriptions, information about the store and the photo gallery. The application also offers you the possibility from saving the products to "favorite".
The Android application is useful, easy to use and will help you find the best prices simply and quickly anywhere and anytime!
- searching for a product by reading the bar code, or entering the product name, searching for a product according to the category in which it falls;
- filtering within the category based on parameters;
- ordering the offers in the category according to the price, evaluation, popularity and names;
- detailed description and product sheets;
- big pictures, picture gallery;
- opinions written by buyers about the product and store;
-Order offers by price and evaluation;
- listing the information related to the store (direct calling, listing on the map, route calculation);
- consulting top products;
- making a list of products in "favorite" products and transmitting it in email;
- listing the products already consulted;
- Guide for using the application, helps and guides the user.