Community App -
Get Game Guide, Walk-through, Cheats and Hacks From Our Fans Community.
Community App for EvoCreo is a Fans app that allow you to meet and connect to other gamers. Through our app, we can search and meet new players, discuss about the game strategy, help each other and share anything about the game. If you get stuck in the game, our community fans app is for you.
Through our app you can follow your friends timeline, seeing their photos and videos, knowing their latest update. You can comment and discuss different game tactics with your friends. You can share your thought via your own timeline. Our app is also a messenger that allow you to chat instantly with your friends. Download today and have fun!
We don't feel comfortable interrupting your app experience to ask for reviews, but if you are feeling generous with your time please take a moment and let us know what you think of the app.