Client Cerberus

Client Cerberus Business Office
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 2.1.1
  • 3.08MB

Client Cerberus -

This app lets you easily send commands to a device that has Cerberus installed, helping you recover your misplaced, lost or stolen Android device.

SMS control:

- Enter the phone number or select it from the contacts

- Enter your Cerberus password

- Select the command from a drop-down list

- You can choose to send the command as a normal SMS or a "data" (binary) SMS

Web control:

- All the features you have on the web dashboard ( with a mobile-friendly interface

- Navigation Mode, starts Maps GPS navigation and automatically updates the destination as your device moves

- Radar Mode, to have an accurate (more than GPS) indication of how near you are to the lost/stolen device measuring the signal level of WiFi hotspot

You can also see the log of SMS/web commands sent and replies received.

SMS commands are sent from your device, so standard text messaging rates apply.

What's New in the Latest Version 2.1.1

Last updated on Aug 4, 2015 Small bugfixes, including Russian translation

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