Classic 9 -
Classic 9 is an android application by Classic Study Circle Dharwad.
Classic 9 is an android application by Classic Study Circle Dharwad. It helps the students to prepare for competitive exams, Exams conducted by State and Central Govt Bank Exams, Current Affairs etc.
Avail following services on Classic 9 App
1. Information regarding job opportunities in government & semi-government organizations, and latest notifications in this regard.
2. Highlights of latest current affairs.
3. Regular updates about the coaching courses in the Classic KAS & IAS Study Circle.
4. Updates about the magazines and books being published by Spardha Spoorti Publication.
5. Submitting orders to buy various books and subscription of various magazines.
6. Details about structure and latest syllabi of various competitive examinations.
7. Time table of weekly model tests being conducted by Spardha Spoorti and Classic Study Circle.
8. Any other services available from the organizations.
9. Timely guidance to aspirants of various services as and when situation demands.