Citations Sais Tu Que

Citations Sais Tu Que Educational Learning
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 4.0
  • 2.5MB

Citations Sais Tu Que -

"You Know What Quotations" Interesting Stories, Treats at will

You have certainly seen several images in social networks circulate in social networks, allowing you to discover and nourish your knowledge. These are the famous images '' Quotes know that '' "Did you know?". We gathered everything in a simple and light application. With our application, it is an opportunity or never to considerably increase your knowledge and change your vision on many sides.

It has a fairly advanced graphical interface, you can save your favorite quotes or keep them on our servers by simply adding them to your favorites. Ample other options are to be discovered

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Interesting stories, unlimited treats, facts and anecdotes on science, technology, nature, sport and everything that is under the sun and around the universe! A repertoire of bizarre, shocking, funny, and sometimes vulgar facts to keep you informed and entertain you.

Blog Quote of the day The most beautiful quotes Happiness Friendship Love And Proverb Birthday Philosophical of Wedding Life


Warning: All the content of our application belongs to the page

We respect the policy of using Facebook by publishing only its public content. Consult (Section 2.4)

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